17 Syllables

If you recall from my previous post I’ve had a backlog of words piling up in my head, so I’ve recently decided to pair them with my blind contour drawings.

Pause. Rewind.

Yesterday I read this article about writing a haiku each day. Lately I haven’t been drawing much, and my drawings have felt a little flat like they’ve been missing something.


Had to try the whole haiku thing with my artwork. Why not try it on the first day of a new year? I might not do it every day (um, let me rephrase that - I definitely won’t do it every day because then it becomes a chore. And who wants to do chores?), but I will definitely do more of these this year!

The pause is intentional in the rabbit haiku. The typo is also intentional. I know it doesn’t have to be a strict 5-7-5 (yay math and poetic license), so it all works out.

Again, satisfied. I’m not sure what this series will turn into, but I’m glad that this idea has presented itself.

These elephants are from today.

I don’t really do the whole new year’s resolution thing, so I’m not going to say I’m making art every day. What I can say is that I’m going to be as consistent with making art this year as I can be. Also, if it sucks, I’ll be sure to stomp on it and start over.

Happy new year!


More is More


Miles to go