More is More

Technically more is more.

Unless we’re talking about haiku writing, in which case less is, in fact, more. The thing I have been enjoying about pairing a haiku with the artwork I’ve been making lately is that following the 5(ish)/7(ish)/5(ish) formula forces me to choose my words.

I’ve always been that way. A word chooser. Saying less, listening and observing more. That’s been my M.O. for, like, forever. I don’t really put myself out there or thrive in huge peopley crowds. The silver lining of being a sayer of fewer words is that those fewer words carry a larger impact than if I were a sayer of too many words.

Words dilute themselves. How many times do you see everyone squawking on social media about [insert thing to squawk about of the week here] and you just scroll by because everyone’s soapbox is equally as loud as the rest? Exactly.

::She speaks::

So. Say less and the words will have a bigger impact. This might be why people think I’m funny? I don’t talk, and then I say something and it’s like a collective gasp or collective guffaw from everyone around me changes the airflow of the room. And then I go back to listening/observing, and just want to go home and hang out with my dog.

Where am I going with this? Haiku art! Ah yes. My non-New-Year’s-resolution project I happen to be keeping up with so far this month. (Side note: are New Year’s resolutions still even a thing?) In case you missed it, my first post about this project had rabbits and elephants; according to ye olde school haiku traditionalists, haiku are supposed to be about nature themes. Dinosaurs totally count, I checked. Also, the plural of “haiku” is “haiku” so don’t get all in a grammar tizzy at me.

The next few I’ve made are below. I’m making these all the same size and generally the same look compositionally (subject on top, haiku below). The goal is going to be a book once I have made enough of these images. I’m not really sure when “enough” will be, but really not worried about that at the moment.

So, without further ado (now that I’ve been entirely way too wordy)… here are the other haiku images I’ve made recently:

Crows like to show up in my artwork, those murderous gifters

Fact: I’m secretly a crazy bird lady. Secret’s out. Birds are super interesting though, let’s be real - they can FLY.

Woods! Give me them (unless they’re super icy - I’m not a fan of ankle breaker hikes or freezing my face off, to be honest)

Lets pause here for a sec so I can remind myself to go buy better (specifically warmer) winter gear. Seriously, how difficult is it to find waterproof mittens that are warm and not bulky? Has not happened yet. Carry on… more haiku art!

Ok so… maybe I am kind of funny

Remember the time Jurassic Park came out and there weren’t five thousand awful sequels yet for the subsequent 30 years? Those were the days. Please stop the madness, Steven.

I’m really happy with how this one turned out though. And… the haiku! Seriously. Happy. Sorry, dinosaurs, I don’t mean to haiku at your expense, but I’m pleased. Too soon?

Thanks for sticking through this post… now I am going to give you: boobies! Pause (again)… remember earlier how I said I am a crazy bird lady? [Scroll up. Re-read.] Blue-footed boobies - the birds.

Can’t censor them, bitches.

I actually learned a bunch about blue-footed boobies while prepping for the haiku. Me: the feet! Also me: what the heck else to these birds do besides have cool looking feet?

Apparently they are skilled plunge divers - their nostrils are shut so that they don’t get water up in their face when they plunge to hunt. Somewhere on the internets I saw their plunge speed from air to water can be up to 60mph. Don’t act like you’re not impressed.

And they dance. Awkwardly. And they do this thing with their beaks when trying to impress a mate (“It’s a lady”).

They do more with less. They get it. And now it’s my turn to stop talking so I can go play with my dog until I have to talk again next time… Adieu!




17 Syllables